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Resale vs. New Construction: How to Outshine the Competition when the builder is your DIRECT competition

So, you’re selling a resale home in Central Florida, and everywhere you look, another shiny new build is springing up, especially if you are looking to sell your home while the builder has not closed out your new construction community. It can feel a bit like bringing a bicycle to a drag race. But guess what? Your trusty two-wheeler has some serious advantages that those slick sports cars might not.

Central Florida’s housing market is sizzling hotter than a summer day at Disney. New homes are popping up like mushrooms after a storm, with Florida leading the nation in new construction. We’re talking 21.1 new builds per 1,000 existing homes—nearly double the national average. Places like North Port, Lakeland, Orlando, and Tampa are at the forefront, with North Port even snagging the #2 spot nationwide for new home construction.

But don’t let those gleaming new developments steal your thunder! Your charming, lived-in home has character, a story, and a few tricks up its sleeve. Here’s how to show buyers why your place is a must-have.

1. **Highlight the Perks of an Established Home**
Your home’s got something new builds just can’t buy: maturity.

– **Grown-Up Landscaping:** While those new homes come with baby trees and lawns still figuring out how to be green, your place is the real deal—mature trees, lush gardens, and a landscape that’s been loved. It’s like comparing a sapling to an oak tree. Instant curb appeal, anyone?

– **Custom Features & Unique Upgrades:** Got custom shelves? Fancy hardwood floors? A kitchen that makes Gordon Ramsay green with envy? These are the things that make your home stand out. New builds are often cookie-cutter; your home is a gourmet cookie.

– **No Naked Windows:** Did you know that new homes often don’t come with window treatments? If your home has stylish blinds, shutters, or curtains already in place, that’s one less thing for buyers to worry about—score!

2. **Price Wisely, Compete Smartly**
Let’s talk dollars and sense.

– **Know the Builder’s Game:** Builders love to throw in sweeteners like closing cost assistance or upgraded finishes. To stay in the race, consider pricing your home competitively or offer perks of your own, like covering closing costs or tossing in those high-end appliances.

– **Market Savvy:** Price your home too high, and buyers might sprint to the nearest new build. Work with your real estate agent to nail the perfect price, balancing competition with the unique value your home offers. You’re not just selling a house—you’re selling a lifestyle.

3. **Leverage the Perks of a Well-Established Neighborhood**
Your home’s location in a well-loved neighborhood is pure gold.

– **No Construction Chaos Here:** One of the downsides of buying in a new community? The constant noise, dust, and disruption from ongoing construction. Your home, tucked in a peaceful, finished neighborhood, is an oasis of calm—a big win for buyers who value their peace and quiet.

– **Ready-to-Enjoy Amenities:** Whether it’s a sparkling pool, a well-equipped gym, or a picturesque park, your neighborhood’s amenities are ready for action. Those new developments might promise these features, but in your area, they’re already good to go.

– **Established Community Vibes:** There’s something special about a neighborhood where everyone isn’t the new kid on the block. Your area has a tight-knit community vibe, perfect for buyers who want more than just a house—they’re looking for a place to call home.

4. **Stage and Present Like a Pro**
Time to give your home the star treatment.

– **Move-In Ready Magic:** Make sure your home is spotless, well-maintained, and ready for its close-up. Professional staging can help buyers picture themselves living there—because first impressions really do matter.

– **Marketing That Wows:** Invest in top-notch photography, virtual tours, and maybe even a video walkthrough. A polished online presence can make your home shine brighter than those professionally marketed new builds.

5. **Team Up with a Real Estate Ninja**
Not just any agent will do when you’re up against new construction.

– **Local Expertise is Everything:** Partner with a real estate agent who knows the local market like the back of their hand and understands how to compete with the big, bad builders. They’ll help you craft a winning strategy that makes your home the obvious choice.

– **Targeted Marketing:** Your agent should be a marketing whiz, focusing on buyers who are all about resale homes—those who want to move in now, love an established neighborhood, or are looking for the unique features that new builds just can’t offer.

6. **Be Flexible, Be Friendly**
Make it easy for buyers to fall in love with your home.

– **Open House, Open Schedule:** The more people who can see your home, the better. Be flexible with your showing schedule to accommodate as many potential buyers as possible.

7. **Sweeten the Deal with a Home Warranty**
A little peace of mind can go a long way.

– **Offer a Home Warranty:** This can give buyers confidence, especially if they’re worried about your home’s age compared to new builds. It’s a small investment that can pay off big time.

8. **Showcase Financing Perks**

Sometimes, it’s all about the money.

– **Loan Options Galore:** Highlight that your home is eligible for various financing options, including FHA, VA, and conventional loans, which might not be on the table for certain new builds.

– **Lower Interest Rates:** If mortgage rates have dropped since you financed your home, let buyers know. The potential savings could be just the nudge they need to choose your home over a new build.

The Central Florida Boom: Why Your Resale Home Still Shines Bright

Yes, the Central Florida housing market is red hot, with new construction booming left and right. But your resale home has a sparkle that those new builds can’t match. Florida’s sunshine, beaches, and no state income tax continue to lure buyers from all over. While new homes have their appeal, there’s a huge market for established homes that offer stability, mature landscaping, and that warm, welcoming neighborhood vibe.

By highlighting what makes your home special and positioning it strategically against new construction, you can attract buyers looking for more than just a brand-new house—they’re looking for a place to truly call home.

As always, if you are looking for a home valuation or even further a listing agent who has direct experience in listing new construction resale and going toe to toe with the builders, reach out to me directly on my cell at 407-745-8317. – Melanie

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